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Your home for the NY Yankees, the Buffalo Bills, the best in High School Sports, and ESPN Radio 24/7. Advertisers, you know your clients are talking about the Buffalo Bills. Call Shelly Rich at 607-733-5626 and get your business in the game by sponsoring the Bills, Yankees, or you can even get in the herd with Colin! Your business belongs on the winning team.
Fast Facts Our Location
Call Letters: WELM-AM
Dial Position: 1410
Coverage Area: Elmira (Corning)
Address: 1705 Lake St.
Elmira, NY 14901-1220
Office Phone: 607-733-5626
Second Phone:
Office Fax: 607-733-5627
Request Line:
Station Contacts
Shelly Rich Sports/Marketing Director
Map & Driving Directions
1705 Lake St.
Elmira, NY 14901-1220
Driving Directions: To Here - From Here

Mike and Mike in the Morning
Mike and Mike in the Morning
6:00am - 10:00am
E-Mail The Studio